Posts Tagged ‘blackboard’

Easy unenrollment from Blackboard Courses

Written by Tom Verhoeff. Posted in TU Delft

Every student at Delft University of Technology and possibly many more students around the world know this problem. You have to enroll for course in Blackboard to get access to all the material, but once you passed the course there is no easy way to unenroll. After a few years of studying your course list seems to be neverending. Fortunately one of my fellow student Alex Nederlof created a little tool to solve this problem, just follow 4 easy steps and you are unenrolled (making the course disappear from you list). Do note that this relates to unenrolling in Blackboard terms, it has got nothing to do with actual course enrollment (for which the university in Delft uses Osiris)

Follow this link to go to the tool

Update: Unfortunately this tool only works for courses that already have the Blackboard Unenroll tool enabled. Therefore it doesn’t really add anything to the functionality already available

SISLink 2010

Written by Tom Verhoeff. Posted in Eveoh

De afgelopen twee dagen was ik op de conferentie SISLink 2010 “Schakelen in de keten”. Op deze conferentie waren zowel leveranciers als gebruikers van studentinformatiesystemen aanwezig. Er werden vooral veel ervaringen uitgewisseld en als mede-ontwikkelaar van het My Timetable building block voor de TU Delft mocht ik dan ook een presentatie van een uur afleveren. Mijn presentatie is te vinden op slideshare:

TU Delft My Timetable 1.1

Written by Tom Verhoeff. Posted in Eveoh

A few days ago we delivered version 1.1 of the My Timetable Blackboard module to the Delft University of Technology. The module is now compatible with Blackboard 9.1 and some minor problems have been solved. The new version will be available on Blackboard soon.

One-click gebruik van Osiris vanuit Blackboard

Written by Tom Verhoeff. Posted in TU Delft

Sinds de invoer van Osiris bij de TU Delft wordt er geklaagd over de onhandigheid en tijd/aantal kliks die het kost om op bepaalde pagina’s te komen. Vandaag kreeg ik van Robin van den Berg een tip die werkt als een workaround voor dat probleem. Hierdoor is het mogelijk om dingen als laatste tentamenresultaten en de inschrijfpagina voor tentamens met 1 klik te bereiken.
Links op Blackboard

Links op Blackboard

TU Delft Timetable Interface – Interface impression

Written by Tom Verhoeff. Posted in Eveoh

At the start of the first semester the TU Delft started using a new system for all timetables. From the schedulers point of view this system was a big improvement, but unfortunately the interface for students ( lacked some features students would like to have. Back in October i started working on an alternative interface system together with Maarten van der Beek, Marco Krikke and Mike Noordermeer. Our target was to make a system that would work intuitive, integrate with blackboard and save preferences for later visits. Furthermore exporting to digital calendars was a big must-have. Yesterday we started doing the final tests on the system, we are still looking for testers. Send us a mail at if you are interested. Meanwhile here is an overview of the new interface i would like to share with you.