Yesterday my MSP colleagues in Eindhoven organised a lunchbreak event as a kickoff towards the rest of the year. Together with study society
GEWIS they managed to attract around 90 students, so the event was a success before it event started. The event would consist of two parts. The first 45 minutes would be filled by me talking about Windows Phone 7 and application development followed by the Eindhoven MSPs introducing themselves, the MSP programme and possible benefits for the students.
Since the official launch of Windows Phone 7 last monday every student picked up something from the news, but nobody had a proper introduction to the platform. That is were my presentation comes in. Introducing the Windows Phone 7 and the underlying application platform. To keeps things interesting the presentation was split up in two parts. First an introduction with slides, quickly going through the strategy and philosophy behind WP7 and a short introduction to the relevant frameworks and libraries. To show how easy it really is to develop applications i used part two of the presentation to do some live coding. I started with an empty WP7 project in Visual Studio and transformed that into a basic twitter client within 15 minutes, just like Scott Guthrie did during the MIX10 keynote. This again proved to be the perfect way to combine some UI design with a connection to a web API and using LINQ and Data Binding in just a few lines of code.
Some people asked me to make the content of the presentation available online so here you go:
slides and
source code If you are stuck with any questions don’t hesitate to contact me either by leaving a comment or using the contact form.
The slides for the presentation about the MSP programme are available
here and while you are at it don’t forget to join our
Facebook page for regular updates on our events (and a chance to win an XBox360 Slim)

Comments (2)
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Great, thanks for sharing the slides and source code :). Will be / is this presentation also given at TUDelft?
Bob van Schaik
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Interessant bericht. Deze pagina zet ik nu in m’n bladwijzers! Ik ben me sinds kort in dit onderwerp aan het verdiepen en ik denk dat ik hier maar eens vaker een kijkje ga nemen.