TU Delft MyTimetable 1.4 – New features
Yesterday we delivered version 1.4 of he TU Delft MyTimetable application. This release contains some new and improved features. Also some problems have been solved. I will summarize most notable changes.
PDF Export
As mentioned in a previous blogpost the previous PDF export did not work the way most users wanted it to be. In this new release both graphical week view and textual agenda view have been improved. Examples can be found here and here“Currently not available”
Many users have been confronted with the “Currently not available” error on our module within Blackboard. This has to do with the direct link to the scheduling system and schedulers working on planning activities. In the first version this situation could not occur and therefore was not taken into account. Recently the error started popping up more often and therefore this issue is now fixed. From now on this error should not occur anymore unless the servers are really breaking down.Minor changes
Minor changes for this release include support for adding the same module more than once using different student sets. The little building block found under MyStudentInfo is now fully Blackboard 9.1 compatible. It already worked but some javascript parts were broken. If you still come across parts looking broken, please let us know! This new version has now been delivered to the TU and will probably be available on Blackboard later this week.Tags: blackboard, Eveoh, gwt, interface, marco krikke, mike noordermeer, my timetable, scientia, syllabus+, tom verhoeff, tu delft
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