Windows Phone 7 introductie in Doetinchem

Every student at Delft University of Technology and possibly many more students around the world know this problem. You have to enroll for course in Blackboard to get access to all the material, but once you passed the course there is no easy way to unenroll. After a few years of studying your course list seems to be neverending. Fortunately one of my fellow student Alex Nederlof created a little tool to solve this problem, just follow 4 easy steps and you are unenrolled (making the course disappear from you list). Do note that this relates to unenrolling in Blackboard terms, it has got nothing to do with actual course enrollment (for which the university in Delft uses Osiris)
Follow this link to go to the tool
Update: Unfortunately this tool only works for courses that already have the Blackboard Unenroll tool enabled. Therefore it doesn’t really add anything to the functionality already available